A memorial has been presented to the Prime Minister by
cer- tain resident teachers and Fellows of the University of Cambridge, pointing out that three years ago a large number of active Cambridge men had addressed Mr. Gladstone, explaining the general character of the reforms which they thought needful for Cambridge. These were,—(1) the limitation to a term of years of all fellowships, except in cases where the original fellowship is extended for direct educational services to the Colleges or Uni- versity ; (2) to secure a permanent professional career for resident teachers, whether married or not ; (3) provision for the co-operation of the Colleges for educational purposes, so as better to economise teaching resources ; (4) a reorganisation of the relations between the Colleges and the University. The Cambridge memorialists proceed to entreat that these objects may be recognised in the Bill which is now promised for the reform of the Cambridge Col- leges and University. Eighteen out of thirty-four Professors, 83 resident Fellows, and 29 University officers, lecturers, &c., have signed this memorial.