The Prince of Wales, on leaving India, forwarded a letter
to Lord Northbrook, expressing the "sincere pleasure and deep interest with which he has visited that great and wonderful country." His expectations have been more than realised, and " he Teturns to his native country deeply impressed by all he has seen and heard." " The information I have gained will, I am con- vinced, be of the greatest value to me, and will form a useful foundation for much that I hope hereafter to acquire." It is his 'earnest hope " that the many millions of the Queen's Indian sub- jects may become daily more convinced of the advantages of J3ritish rule, and that the Sovereign and the Government of England have their interests and well-being at heart." The " native troops constitute an army of which we may justly feel proud." The "march past" at Delhi of so many distinguished officers and highly disciplined soldiers was a most impressive sight. "I wish also to state my high appreciation of the Civil Service," feeling assured that the way in which they perform their duties tends to the prosperity of the community. The letter is a little common-place, but it is not easy for royalty—or imperialty, which is it ?—to step out of the beaten track without saying too much.