[To TEl EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I notice a reference in your issue of April 8th to the "wild and ignorant dreams which have really led the greater number of the Irish voters to suppose that Home-rule will usher them straight into a land flowing with milk and honey." Is not this from our side of the water fit to rank with those mentioned by you ?
A short time ago I was talking with a working man upon the subject of Home-rule. He was arguing for it, and during the conversation I he remarked, "We have over a hundred Irish in our workhouse here." "Well," I said, not seeing the bearing of the statement, "what of that P" "Why," was the reply, "if we gave them Home-rule they'd have to go back to their own country." Clearly to his thinking, "Justice to Ireland" was closely akin to a saving of English rates.—I am,