15 APRIL 1893, page 18

[to The Editor Of The " Speotator."]

SIR,--At the outset of this contmversy, I ventured to state that questions of " taste " are not subjects for controversy; matters of fact, however, stand upon another basis. I......


We loved when we were young, With sunshine on their faces, And music on their tongue ! The bees are in the almond-flower, The birds renew their strain : But the old friends,......

Change In Pronunciation.

[To Tits EDITOR OF TRH "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The " correct " pronunciation of the names of several families shows confirmation of Mr. Dermer's theory that " e" before " r " and......


ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX.* Turn sympathetic and careful study of St. Bernard is given to the public in the form of lectures, and has some of the disadvantages incident to that......