DELHI IN 1857.
Stn,—I, and no doubt many other readers, would be .very greatly obliged to "F. S. H.," who wrote a letter in the Spectator of March 11th, if he (or she) would give us a little more information regarding the lady who, with her friend, remained at Delhi when (practically) all English had fled to Meerut or Kurnaul. Was their residence inside the city ? or at the Cantonments ? or at some intermediate point ? On what date did " F. S. H." meet the Sepoy of " Jan Larrens Sahib," who was, presumably, a unit in the Punjab force sent to Delhi ? The massacre took place on May 11th, and the flight of the English who escaped it began on that evening and night. Did the lady and her friend suffer no molestation from that date until the meeting with the Sepoy ? I hope " F. S. H." will pardon my many questions, and consider the deep interest I take in everything relating to the incidents of the Indian Mutiny my excuse. I trust it is unnecessary to assure " F. S. H." that in asking for the above information I am not, for an instant, questioning the correctness of his (or her) statement.—I am, Sir, &c., E. H.