The Result Of These Decreases In Expenditure And...
taxation makes the final Budget estimate for 1899-1900 work out as follows :—Estimated Revenue, £110,287,000; further taxation in Stamp-duties and wines, £870,000 ; total,......
News Of The Week.
IR MICHAEL HICKS - BEACH opened his ki Budget on Thursday evening. His first duty was to point out that the final figures for the Imperial Revenue and expenditure for 1898-99......
In The Debate That Followed The Chief Speaker Was, Of
course, Sir William Harcourt. He at once took the very strongest possible objection to the proposed dealings with the Sinking Fund, and denounced them in language which could......
This £870,000 Sir Michael Hicks-beach Proposes To Obtain...
following manner. He proposes, in the first place, to add to the Stamp-duties by requiring a transfer Stamp-duty of 5s. per £100 on the nominal value of all documents represent-......
We Have Dealt At Length With The Budget Elsewhere, And
can only say here that, in our opinion, it is a wise and sound Budget, though not in any sense original or capable of being described as a contribution to the science of......
One Of The Most Interesting Things In Sir Michael Hicks-
Beach's speech was his account of the way in which Consols are now held. There' has been a remarkable change in the last fifteen years. In the year 1884-85 there were• in the......
Notice To Advertisers.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 29th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......