15 APRIL 1899, Page 17


CROWNED with a floating splendour of flame, the sun Sinks, and from west to east the windless air Flushes with tremulous warmth of rosy grey ; Golden, and purple, and blue, the low clouds hang Above the low-ebbed sea that glimmering heaves With long innumerous shudder of rippling surge Beyond the wide moist sands. Eastward the Night Climbs slow with hooded brows, and languid Day Kirtles her robe fantastical, and leans To take the embrace of darkness. Heaven and earth Keep silence ; strangely sounds as in a dream Thy dear voice low and grave ; and hushed and charmed We wait the mystic change that brings the stars And croon of,• shadowy seas. Dear, in this pause, This magical suspense of dreaming skies, Our spirits draw nearer, and more close we feel The Eternal Presence. Veiling flesh is naught, And naught the hurrying hours ; the abysm of space Measureless is a span ; and rolling suns, And swaying seas, and seeming-solid earth, Are shadows tricked in hues that change and fade, Are dreams that melt before the Enchanter's breath That moves the faery world, and thee and me.