15 APRIL 1899, Page 2

In the House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Ledge introduced

his Motion demanding that the Government should not prefer any clergyman unless they were satisfied that he would obey, not only his Bishop, but the law as declared by the'Courts having ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Mr. Hoare moved as. an amend: ment to this a Resolution which made obedience 'to the Bishops and the Prayer-book the test. Mr. cfedge.-whose speech, it must be noted, was moderate and free from anything offensive—was willing to accept this, and had matters stopped here the House would have been saved from - an act of futility. Mr. Bartley, however, insisted on reinstating • the words in regard to the Courts having

jurisdiction, and on this • the House diirideil.t /fr. 'Belfoa;.

though disliking this trailing of the- coat, found it impossible to oppose an abstract Resolution in favour of obeying the law of- the land:' The result was that the aniendment; as amended by - Bartley, was carried by a- majority of 186. 621714 Persons voted against it, and 200 for it.