Highway's and Byways in Yorth Wales ; G. , Bradley With
Illustrations by Jos.epla. Pennell' and Hugh ThOrnson. and CO. Gs.)-1'his. bdoir ought to be read with as much pleasure- by those who tan -only see Wales with the iniad's eye as by those who can bicycle along: its roads. Mr. Bradley makes the old Welsh 'heroes live again for us, and we can only wish that some of them had more pronounceable names. Even with theheltof the " fe41eadilireanons of prbauneis.tion whiAliF'gries—sus pii R.701,V110`Vrioitn W)e liefalitt*ys fall b Glendower, or Glyndwr, perhaps the iner4icturesque figure in the beok, or indeed in Welsh Iiistory,..throngh whose country a good deal of 19.1r. Bradley's read lies. He quotes several passages from George Borrovi's " Wild 'Wales," and those who count them selves as of . the cult' Of' that strange genies will look or him (as did Mr. Bradley) "in the snug corner of wayside-inn parlours, criticising his mug, of ate ,"_and astonishing, a rustic audience wittlinotations en, Suffe)k-Welsh from Dafyd up Gwillina, or Huw MOri'll,or Tom o t4e•Dingisq.7 Ile also touches on modern politics, Mtlfink andelerleala4Well.6.0ii agriculture and the stitte"Of the roads.. For these st lie has hardly anything but praise. Mr. rordieIrs illustratioha ari'a' interesting,. In the small one of "The Rivals from a DisEante" he has given us a very beautiful atMoinherte.4f.ect. \tr Hugh Thom on picture 3 are representative Ofai'Vell:Ibif6kii style.