The English Stocks are heavy, under the influence of sales which, though not
individually of magnitude, have been of sufficient importance to produce a trifling decline in prices: the closing quotations today are from 4 to per cent below those of last week. East India Stock is at 258, being 2 per cent below our last quo- tations. Bank Stock also is lower, and is quoted at 208 to 209. The premium of Exchequer Bills has fluctuated from 7s. to 12s., and is last quoted today at 8s. to 12s. Money is not quite so much in demand on loan for short periods; but the
rate of discount is without change, and must continue so while the present de- mand for loans upon Railway Debentures exists. The rate given upon these loans is from 4 to 4/ per cent; and until the demand for this description of accommo- dation is satisfied, it cannot be expected that any decline can take place in the rate of discount generally, or that, as has been confidently expected, the Bank rate will be reduced. The same cause must operate to keep down the premium of Exchequer Bills.
In the Foreign Market, the most remarkable fluctuation occurring is in Por- tuguese Stock; which has risen nearly 6 per cent from the low quotations of last week. The sales noticed in our last report ceased on Monday; and since that time the prices have been steadily, rising, until the Four per Cents have reached 44, andthe Three per Cents 46. Some rather large transactions have occurred in this stock; the amount of the forced sales above referred to having been about 100,0001. Mexican Bonds have been and continue depressed: a slight reaction from the extreme point of depression occurred in the course of the week; but the improvement has not continued, and the market is still feeble. The other Foreign Funds are without any important change. SpanishStock of all descriptions is rather heavier.
The Railway Shares are not generally so much in demand. An enumeration of the sums required for the completion of the new schemes of the year, that ap- peared in the Times a few days since, has thrown a considerable damp over the market; and the recent symptoms of a revival of speculation have nearly vanished. Birmingham and Great Western have, however, risen materially; the former to 229 and 230, being within Si. of the price from which the recent de- cline commenced: the latter have improved about 71. for the 1001. shares, and projiortionally for the lesser varieties.
The Foreign Shares; are without any material fluctuation: the tendency ap- pears to be rather to decline than to improve, but the business transacted in them be; been unimportant. East Indian are also lower; the decision of the Directors of the East India Company as to the guarantee of an interest upon the outlay for the construction of the railway being still deferred.
SATURDAY, TWELVE o'czocx• There is no change in the prices of the English or Foreign Funds. The appear- ance of the market is heavy, and its tendency downwards. The business in Railway Shares has not been extensive; the attention of the brokers and jobbers being chiefly directed to the settlement of the Account. We can therefore only notice the occurrence of the following transactions, which mark a trifling decline in some of the varieties as compared with yesterday: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 61 1; Eastern Counties, 231 4; Ditto, York Extension, 21; Great Western, 1524 152; Ditto, Half Shares' 86; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 231; Bir- mingham, 228; Ditto, Fifth Shares, 26; Manchester and Birmingham, 86; Mid- land, 1404; North British, 394; North Staffordshire, 31 premium; East Indian, 4.
Neither in quotations nor in character has the English Stock Market undergone any e since the morning; and the Foreign Market is also without any changtir importance: prices are not quite so high as yesterday and the prevail- ing feature is heaviness. More business has occurred in the Railway Shares this afternoon, and prices generally are rather lower. The following is a list of the bargains actually effected : Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 11 4; Caledonian, 151 4; Ditto, Half-shares, 11; Eastern Counties, 234 I; Ditto, York Extension, 214; Great Western, 152/ 23; Ditto, Half-shares, 86 7; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 231; Ditto, Fifth-shares, 35; Hull and Selby, 1064; Lancaster and Carlisle, 65; London and Birmingham, 228; Ditto, Fifths, 26; London and Brighton, 654 5; London and South-western, 75 6; Manchester and Birmingham, 86 8; Midlaud, 1401 40; Ditto, New, 371; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 115 116; Scottish Central, 194 181; South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 4, 31 1; York and Scar- borough Branch, 461; Boulogne and Amiens 124; Dutch-Rhenish, 64; East Indian, 4; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 121 4; Paris and Lyons, Con- stituted, 544. 3 per Cent CORIOIS 951 Columbian ex Venezuela .. 15 16
Ditto for Account 951 f Danish 3 per Cents 88 90
3 per Cent Reduced 961 Dutch 21 per Cents 59t f 3/ per Cents 971 I Ditto 4 per Cents 944
Long Annuities 10 3-16 5-16 Mexican 5 per Cents ..1846 231 4 Bank Stock 207 9 Ditto Deferred Exchequer Bilis prem. 8 12 Portuguese New5 p.Cta.11841 42 44 India Stock 258 260 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 42 44 Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 90 Russian 5 per Cents 112 114 Belgian 41 per Cents 97 99 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 23I I Chillan 6 perCenta 98 101 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 361