News Of The Week.
THE Whig Ministers have been fairly frightened from their ad- hesion to the Irish Arms Bill, by the unpleasant and threatening symptoms of dislike which it provoked in all......
The Impregnable Indian Fortress Of Kote Kangra, Which A Con-
tumacious Sikh chieftain refused to surrender to the British, has been yielded without a blow, on a full display of our force. But the last act of the late campaign is followed......
There Seems To Be A Hat In The Repeal Agitation
: Young Ire- land is vanquished, and is magnanimously sulky ; Old Ireland reposes on its victory, in a good humour with all the world. Mr. O'Connell reciprocates compliments......
Drbates Min Prortenituis In Igiarliament.
StaAR-DIITLE8 BILL. In the House of Lords, on Monday, the Earl of CLARENDON moved the first reading of the Sugar-duties Bill; which he explained and supported at considerable......
It Is Difficult To Keep Pace With The Progress Of
the new policy in Rome. Pius the Ninth is said to have declared that he takes for his guide the New Testament ; and thus far his policy seems to be animated by the highest......
The Congress Of The United States Has Adopted The Reduced
tariff of import-duties. It possesses a great interest for this country, on two grounds. The reduction of duty on several important manufactures is an obvious reason. The object......