There seems to be a hat in the Repeal agitation
: Young Ire- land is vanquished, and is magnanimously sulky ; Old Ireland reposes on its victory, in a good humour with all the world. Mr. O'Connell reciprocates compliments with the Tikes, and finds excellent sense in the suggestion of that journal that he should aid the Whig Ministers to carry measures for the practical benefit of his country. Surely it is a millennium ; the Daniel lying down with the Times. Furthermore, "my dear Ray" has been formally deputed by the Repeal Association to communicate some information, "of course in his private capacity," to the Go- vernment at Dublin Castle ; and his communication has met with a degree of attention which Mr. Ray "in his private capa- city" could scarcely expect. These coquettings between the official and the Repeal Governments suggest one measure which would vastly help to smooth away difficulties. When the Whigs were before in power, under Earl Grey's Premiership, they com- mitted a great blunder in not providing for Mr. O'Connell. Perhaps it is not yet too late to realize some of the advantages of such a step. It should be done when his circumstances are not at the lowest,—and the rent is at this moment reviving again. Moreover, his conscience should be eased, and his good name with the Irish shielded from reproach, by some official earnest of the wish to do Ireland substantial service in the way of material improvements. " Testimonials " and such acknow- ledgments of past services are in vogue just now ; O'Connell's real services eminently belong to the past. If it is thought that he has outlived the occasion when the full benefit might have been felt by himself, let it be put in such a shape as to benefit his children. That might be done without implicating anybody in objectionable reversionary gifts.