15 AUGUST 1846, Page 21


BRITISH FUND S. (Closing Prices.)

&Surd. Monday remiss ' Weiss, Thor*. Pridop.

Spec Genteramols Ditto for Account . 98

951 951 951 953 353 ast

3 per Cents Reduced

NI 96 961 98 961 96

asi ssi asi 03 931

31 per Cents

079 97 971 971 576 97

Long Annuities

II i 101 111 IOj 1 101

Bank Stock, 7 per Cent

209 2COj 2081 2084 209

India Stock, 104

1604 260 260 260 259 256

Exchequer Bills, 19d, per diem

7 pm 8 li 9 12 9

India Bonds, 3 per Cent

18 pm. — — — -- It


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Alabama (Sterling) 6 p.01. — Massachusetts (Sterling), ..5 p.01.-

Austrian a - — Mexican .... ... ..... .. -


Belgian 4 - 99 Ditto (Deferred) 6 -

Ditto 935 Michigan 11 -•

Brazilian 9 895 Mississippi (Sterllag) 0 - Buenos Ayres 6 - 39 Neapolitan I -

Chilian 11 - — New York (1868) . • . • • • • .5 -


Columbian (ex Venezuela). 6 - — Ohio 6 -

Danish 3 Pennsylvania a - - — Dutch (Ex. IS Guilders) ...I -51 1 Peruvian is - Ditto 4 - 91411 Portuguese I -


French 3 SIC Ditto g -


Ditto 5 - --- Russian . 11 •■•


Indiana (Sterling) 6 - — Spanish .... .... ....... 6 •-•


Illinois. 6 - Ditto $ -


Kentucky - Ditto (Passive)


Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 75 Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 6 - — Venezuela Active

(Last Metal Quotation SR A RE S.

during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Mises- BANKS-


11 Australasian

Brazilian Imperial

— British North American


Ditto (St. John Del Rey)

10 Colonial

Cobre Copper

— Commercial of London

London and Westminster

Birmingham and Gloucester

131 London Joint Stock

Edinburgh and Glasgow

734 National of Ireland

Eastern Counties

tai National Provincial .. .....

Grand Junction

— Provincial of Ireland

Great North of England

235 Union of Australia

Great Western...

155 Union of London 114 Liverpool and Manchester

— Doers-

London and Brighton

631 East and West India ....


London and Blackwell

ilil London

114 London and Greenwich ....

9 St. Katherine

London and Birmingham

238 Miscisusecoes-

London and Croydon

231 Australian Agricultural ..

Manchester and Birmingham

85 British American Land

Manchester and Leeds ...

117 Canada


1404 General Steam

South-eastern and Dover

414 Peninsular and Oriental Steam


76 Royal Mail Steam 53 York and North Midland

98 South Australian .

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 6th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week cs ding on Saturday the 8th day of Aug. MC ISSUE DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued £19,351,203 Government Debt ...... Ell,C15.100

Other Securities

Gold Coin and Bullion 12,221416

Silver Bullion 2,450,879

-- — £29,366,305 E29,386,305


Proprietors' Capital L14,563.000

Rest 3,803.683 Public Deposits, 5,011,200

Other Deposits 12,456,737 Seven Day and other Bills .... 953,056 Government Securities, (In- cluding Dead WM ghtAnnuitylE12,961,771 Other Securities 13.984,678 Notes 9,075.160 Gold and Silver Coln 658,203

£36,679,676 • IncludingExchequer, Savings Banks, Coramiesionersof National Debt& Divid £36,679,676 ad Amounts. er ton.

.. 0 0 0 .. 0 so .. 0 00 BULLION. Per on. METALS.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard .. E3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes E93 0 Foreign Gold inCoin,PortugaiPleces 3 17 5 Iron, British Ban.... 9 0 New Dollars 0 4 99 Lead, British Pig ... . 19 0 Silver In Bars, Standard .... . . . 0 4 111 Steel, English 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 14.

s. 0.

Wheatjt.New 46 to 50 Rye 34 ton Maple 35to36 Oats, Feed. 511o21 Fine 50 - 5.1 Barley 23-27 White 36-38 Fine 22-23 Old 42-46 Malting 30-32 Boilers 40-12 Poland.. 25-26 White 44 -30 Malt, Ord 56-60 Beans, Ticks 16-28 Flee. 38-37 Fine 50-34 Fine 60-61 Old. 0- 0 Potato ..29-29 Super. New 80-52 Peas, Hog 33-31 Harrow 40-42

Fine. 39-30


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat .... 49.. 94. Rye 91..10.1. Wheat 8.. Od. 1 Rye 41.0.1 Barley. ... 27 4 Beans 38 9 Barley 4 0 Beans 4 0 Oats .. ... 23 8 Peas 36 10 Oats 1 6 Peas 4 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending Aug. 8.

Wheat,108.2.1.-Barley,26.9d.-Oats,241.0d.-Rye, 29..8d.-Bea ns,39s8d.-Pesa,31e.34


York Reds per ton 08. 10 Os. Scotch Inds 0 - 0 Devons 0 - 0 Kent and Essex Whiles 0 .-- 41 HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.) Canassasso. Ss rennet°. Wurenensine.

Hay, Good 80.. to 88. 60r. to NJ 40s. to 805.

Inferior 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -- 0

New .. ..... .... 55 - 70 .. ...... . 45 - 73 00 - 68

Clover 105 -110 SO - 116 80 -120 WheatStraw ... .... ... 32 36 34 - 30 .... ...... IS - SI FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 13.. to 113.. Seconds 40 - 43 Essex end iintfolk.on board ship 37 - 40 Norfolk and Stockton 34 37 Bran per quarter 0 - 0 Pollard, line. ... ... .... 0 - 0 Bread, 69d. to 714. the 41b. loaf.


1.4. s. 141170.121 LCD LZIDMILLL.• Burre711L0.• Haan 07 CaT7LII AT . .. J. it. si. •. d. s. d. SselISSTESI.D.

Beef... 2 6 to 3 to 3 8 .. .. 3 6 to 3 10 to 4 2 Friday. Monday.

Mutton 3 4 - 3 -4 2 a 4 - 4 4 - 4 9 Beasts. 738 3,104 Veal... 3 0 - 3 -4 4 3 8 - 4 2 - 4 ii Sheep. 10,810 34,040 Pork .. 3 0 - 4 - 5 0 . ... 3 10 - 4 6 - 6 0 Calves. 416 204 Lon.. 45-8 - 0 0 4 10 - 6 0 - 0 0 Pigs... 200 200 • To sink the 8lbs.


Tea. Sebes, fine, per lb. Os. 2d. to Os. Bot Conroe, tine I 5 - 2 2 Sonchong, AM 1 $ - 2 8

• In Bond-Duty 21 ld, per lb. Coffee, Inc (in bond) per cwt. in.. to 1108

Good Ordinary 441. to 451. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. KO. Sid. West India Mulaaser .. MU. CO t0 no.1541.


Xent Pockets 1124. to 168/.

Choice ditto o o Sussex Pockets 100 - 126 Fine ditto 0 - 0 PROVISIONS Butter-ButPresh,12.. 64. per dos. Cert./11,41. O. to G. 6.. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per ewt. 586.- 40s ., Cheese, Cheshire .... 64 - 78

Derby Plain 613 -62 Hams, York. 70 -80 Eggs, French, per 120,6.. eta id 64.34 offal, per OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Rape Oil per cwt. El 90.04.

Bethied 1 lo 0 Linseed Oil 1 3 6 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0

Culdles, per dozen, 6s Od. to h. 6.1. Moulds (tki per doz. discount) 7s. 64.

Coals,Hettan 15s. 3d, Tees .... 15.. Od.