The Times of Tuesday publishes a Memorandum from the Archbishop
of Canterbury on the disposal of the thank- offering presented in St. Paul's Cathedral at the close of the Pan-Anglican Congress. The Committee appointed to allocate the fund finds its task very difficult, and a final allocation is not yet possible. But the Archbishop explains in the Memo- randum the general lines on which the Committee thinks it right to act. Of the total sum of £345,000, 2125,000 has been already allotted to specific objects by the donors. For the rest, the primary need is the better equipment and education of men and women who bear the chief burden of work in Colonial and missionary fields. The Archbishop names various educational and similar projects deserving support in Canada, Africa, Australasia, Japan, China, India, and else- where, and to these the fund will be mainly devoted. The Committee could usefully spend much more than it has got, and it desires that this fact should be known. The fund will be kept open to the end of the year. The Committee has, however, made an exception in its policy of postponement. £15,000 has been definitely granted to Jamaica for replacing the Church buildings destroyed in the earthquake.