Mr. C. Litton Falkiner.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR'] SIR,—Of the grief which the death of Caesar Litton Fallriner from an accident in Switzerland last week has brought to the wide circle of his......
The Magyars, The Slovaks, And The Roumanians. Ero The Editor
OF THE "Spromros.1 S,—May I draw the attention of your readers to a fresh ease of political persecution in Hungary ? On August let Mr. Milan Ivanka, Slovak Member of Parliament......
Vto Tim Editor Or The " Spectator:1
Si,—What we seem primarily to need is the simplification of diocesan funds with a view to their co-ordination with a central organisation. I have always thought that the plan......
The Threatened Timber Dearth.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR."] cannot complain of your comment on my appeal for State assistance to ward off the threatening timber dearth that the State has not hitherto......
[to The Editor Or Tue -sescra.tort.n Sib,—you Have...
Vicar of Windsor to state what is a very important and pressing matter for Churchmen in your last issue, and if you allow space for the discussion to go on, much that is of......
[to Tale Editor Of Tee " Spectator.'1
Sra,—I am delighted to see that, by your permission, the Vicar of Windsor has been afforded an opportunity of drawing attention to the want of some systematic finance in the......