In "The Churchman's Penny Library" (A. R. Mowbray and Co.)
we have new editions of The Churchman's Handy Dictionary and What every Christian must Know and Do, and a new volume, The Outline History of the Church of England, which it is needless to criticise. When it is said that "the changes made in the Second Prayer Book of Edward VI. mark the extreme point to which the Church of England ever travelled in compromise with those who held Zwinglian or Calvinistic views," it would have been as well to have added that this same Prayer Book is substantially the same with that now in use.—We have also received a new edition of The Companies Act, 1907, and the Limited Partnerships Act, 1907, by Sir Francis Beaufort Palmer (Stevens and Sons, 7s. 6d.)—Dictionary of Quotations (French). By T. B. Harbottle and Chalonel P. B. Dalbiac. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—We may also mention a third issue of The English Trade Book, 1886-1907, by John Holt Schooling (John Murray, 10s. 6d. net.)