[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—We believe that promises
or contributions to _the proposed Cheltenham Homecrofting Association are being acknowledged in the Spectator.
. We were asked to inform you that we have each promised to invest £200 in the scheme. We were fortunate enough to meet Professor J. W. Scott, whose articles and letters on Homecrofting have appeared in your paper, and he so convinced us of the hopefulness and value to the nation of his project that we felt we must show our sympathy with it in some practical way.
We hope that many others in Cheltenham will support a scheme that will evidently help to solve the problem of unemployment, and bring dignity and happiness into the lives of many workers.—We are, Sir, &c., 11 Royal Parade, Cheltenham. AGNES E. BRIGGS. EDITH M. H. GEDDES,