The Reply Will First Be Submitted To Belgium And Italy,
biit if all goes well the Germans should receive it in a few days. We hope it will not be found in the end that Mr. Austen Chamberlain has given too large a power of decision to......
Much Sympathy Is Felt With The French, Who Have A
new and unexpected trouble on their hands in the Jebel Druse revolt. Last week the Jebel Druse tribesmen of the Hauran in Syria surrounded Sueida and captured . part of the......
M. Briand, The French Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Hag' Been
a welcome visitor to London. He came, of course, to discuss the Security Pact. On Tuesday he visited the Wmg, and had long conversations with Mr. Austen Chamberlain lati that......
Any Man Of Discretion And Humanity Would, In Our Judgment,
have acted as the Prime Minister did at the eleventh hour of the dispute. We do not in the least fail to recognize the sinister significance of the successful challenge to the......
Just Because All This Sounds Too Good To Be True,
one is particularly aware of the dangers of exaggeration. The Daily News correspondent adds, however, that the German Government is preparing a plan for subsidizing the process.......
There Have Been Numerous Insurrections Since The French...
Syrian mandate, and it is greatly . to be hoped that the present one will be overcome nearly as quickly as the others. But it must be admitted that it is by far the most serious......
The Daily News Of Tuesday Added Some New Informs- Tion
to what had already been published about the new German process for converting coal into oil. Professor Bergius, of Heidelberg, the inventor of the process, says that after......
Recently The Acting Governor Has Been Captain Carbillet,...
Druses charge with having treated them not as members of an independent State but as colonial u_nderlings. When Captain Carbillet left the country recently on leave the Druses......
Our Parliamentary Correspondent Expresses A Doubt...
does come, Mr. Baldwin would or could be the leader of what we may call the national cause. Personally we think that he could be and ought to be. It has long been clear that he......
It May Be, And We Devoutly Hope Will Be, That
the dis- putants will have the good sense to avoid deciding such a question by a violent trial of strength. But if the struggle has to come Mr. Baldwin will be on infinitely......