The Report on the ownership of Mosul, prepared by a
Conimittee of the League of Nations, has been issued. The Committee find that, from the strictly legal point of view, the disputed territory must be regarded as an integral part of Turkey until TUrkey renounces her right. In a teamical sense, hoWever, Turkey has already renounced her right by agreeing to accept the decision of the League. The Committee suggest that, owing to the mixture of population in Mosul, Great Britain should be asked to continue to administer Mosul, together with Iraq, under the mandate for twenty or twenty- five years more. The Report, it will be seen, settles nothing. Everything depends upon what the answer of Great Britain may be. We imagine that it would be possible for Great Britain to accept responsibility in a limited degree. That is to say, we might heavily restrict, or entirely disavow, financial responsibility and yet accept an invitation from the League to continue the mandate—if King Feisal's consent to the prolongation were obtained. The unhappy Christian and Kurdish minorities of Mosul need protection. * *