15 AUGUST 1947, Page 16


SIR,—According to the British Medical Journal for August 2nd, 1947, there were, in the " two particularly bad years " for infantile paralysis, 1926 and 1938, 1,160 and 1,462 notifications respectively. In your Notes of the Week comments on infantile paralysis you give for these two years 12,000 and 15,000 cases. What you say in your comments with regard to the incidence and development of the epidemic cone- sponds with the findings of the British Medical journal. But the difference in your figures is so startling as to call for some kind of elucidation.— Yours faithfully, GEORGE A. BIDING, Aldenham School, Elstree, Hens. Headmaster.

[We regret the slip and arc grateful for the correction.—EDITOR, The

Spectator.] . .