15 AUGUST 1947, page 18

Infantile Paralysis

SIR,—According to the British Medical Journal for August 2nd, 1947, there were, in the " two particularly bad years " for infantile paralysis, 1926 and 1938, 1,160 and 1,462......

Beneficent Rooks

A letter with which I profoundly agree has reached me from a Rectory in North Ireland. " Some months ago a talk on the subject of rooks was broadcast which suggested that,......

Deer And Fox Different Animals Rely, Of Course, On Different

senses for their preserva- tion, and this master sense may react to a pitch of scarcely credible acuteness. All the tribe of deer, I think, owe much to intensely sensitive ears.......

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Local Sanctuaries A Question Which The Authors And...

the national parks have not faced, or at least have not acknowledged, is how are existing owners of sanctuaries to be treated? Now the really remarkable success of the 7......

The Army And Citizenship

Sta,—The V.D. figures for the army, to which Lord . Moran drew atten- tion in his article last week, will, I fear, come as no surprise to those who remember the period of the......

Country Life

ONE of the results of a paucity of labourers in the harvest field, here and there at any rate, is that a very great deal of grain is left on the stubble. The rakings are wholly......

In My Garden A Question With Which Both Professional Critics

and amateur experiment, is how to cover or qualify the bareness of the earth about the bedded roses. Among those who used a complete carpet, both for comeliness and the good of......