CORBETT is returned ! We do heartily rejoice at this.
He is a Radical worth having. He will add fifty per cent. to the interest of the ses- sion's debates. This is the man who ought to have been put into the House when that poor thing HUNT—whom we are glad to see turned out—was pat in. HUNT degraded the labouring classes, by his igno- rance, and his base association with the Tories. If CORBETT should, in some of his fits of waywardness, imitate him in the latter, he cannot in the former.
A very stupid and mischievous report was spread during the early part of the week, of the loss of the Snake man of war. There is not the slightest truth in it. Amongst the strangers whom curiosity attracted to witness the Westminster election, on Saturday, was the son of the late Prime IVIinister of France, M. Casimir Perier. The accounts from the Leeward Islands announce that the beautiful town of Paramaribo, in Surintun, had been nearly destroyed by fire, Efty-eight houses having been entirely consumed. The greater part of these consisted of stores and magazines. No lives were lost.