The Daily Papers Have Published A Correspondence Between...
and-Lord PALMERSTON, on the subject of the modifications which the King of Holland would introduce into the treaty of the twenty-four articles; and a projet of an amended treaty......
Be Court.
ALL that we have to report of their Majesties this week is, that they are in that state of good health and good spirits in which we believe every one of their subjects—Tories,......
The Siege Of The Citadel Of Antwerp Moves On But
slowly. The Lunette St. Laurent, which has -been taken by report half-a-dozen times at least, is still in the hands of the Dutch. In fact, the be- siegers are still employed......
Leopold Has No Ministry As Yet, And Does Not Seem
to need them. "Inter arma, silent leges ;" and when the laws speak not, the lawmakers may go to sleep without impropriety.......
M. Zea Bermudez Has Addressed A Lengthy Circular To The
Spanish diplomatic agents in foreign countries, which, if rigidly interpreted, would not say much for the future intentions of the Queen and her Ministers. " Her Majesty," he......
The Affairs Of The Porte Are Assuming A Somewhat Less
hopeless appearance. The Sultan has sent an army of 60,000 men to meet the 45,000 of IBRA.HIM ; and great expectations are entertained of the result. The Porte has hitherto had......