The Money Market nas evinced an upward tendency during the whole week, and Consols opened this morning at 8434 5, and closed at their highest quota- tion, viz. 84 tr. A large purchase of 3 per Cent. Reduced was made to. day :by the Chancery ; to which, together with the reports which are prevalent of the renewal of negotiations between the powers of the Conference and Holland, the improvement to-day may be traced. Bank Stock has been quoted at 186, 387. Money still continues very abundant; and loans are easily obtainable for 'short periods, on Stock and available securities, at 2 per cent.
The Foreign Funds have been equally buoyant. All descriptions of Stock are higher than last week. Dutch Stock has .fluctuated the whole week be- tween 40Ir and 41,i, at which price the Market opened this morning; but intel- ligence having been received from Amsterdam, that the 21 per Cents, in that "eity had reached 401-, on Wednesday, an improvement took place, and the price weached 414, and closed at 411L, Russian Stock has been to-day as high as '984, and closed at 981. 4. Danish Stock is firm at irs improved quotation of 08-i 4. Belgian Stock has also improved materially, having been at 744, and closing at 74i 4. Portuguese Stock has fluctuated considerably, having been at 52 and 49!,.., and closing at 50, 51. The Regency Scrip has been 34 dis., but was depressed to ,talis. on Tuesday afternoon, and experienced a further 4decline yesterday to 44 die. ; it has since improved to .4?-, dis, and closed at 44, 4. Spanish Stock has been at 17 and 16i, and closed at 164, 17. The great aim of more than 2 per cent, which has taken place in Paris in the 3 per Cent. ,Spanish Stock, would doubtless have had a favourable effect on the price here ; but large speculations for the rise have been entered .juto by minor operators,
who cannot take the Stock off the Market ; and hence the trifling improvement which has taken place in Bonds in this Market.
• SATURDAY, ONE o'etocu. Consols opened this morning at 84;1, and have , been 83, but are flour at.
closing price of yesterday, 84P. Exchequer Bills maintain themselves, and are- 30s. 31s. prem. We are without any important transactions in the Foreign: Market ; but owing to the firmness of Consols, all the Stocks maintain the ad- vance of yesterday.
3 per Cent. Consols — Belgian 5 per Cents. 74 a Mexican 6 per Cents. 25 26 . Ditto for Account 842 I Brazilian 5 per Cents. 464 2 Portneueseo per Cts. 49f 50 .
New .34. perCesii. Ann. — Danish '3 per Cents. 601 I Do. Regency Se.5p. 5C,..4 4 -
Bank Stork 1872 ± Dutch 24 per Cents. 412 4. 1 Prussian (1819a p.Ct. — India Sloe!' ' — French 3 per Cents. — Russian(IS22) 5 p. Ct. 93,1 2 Exchequer Bills 30 31 Greek (1825)5 p. Cts.21451 i Spanish (18d1)5p.Ct. 164 1 -