,'Now fitted the halter, now traersed the cart, LORD HENLEY has resigned Middlesex. Notwithstanding our these less exciting topics,—bitherto, and forthese reasons mainly, high opinion of his Lordship's piety, we were not prepared for so the Free Trade party in France has retrained from vigorously notable a proof of self-denial. To resign what he had not the urging upon the Government the adoption of some remedy for the smallest chance of attaining to, must have been to the noble commercial disease which is.eating into the vitals of the country. Master an act of serious difficulty. On Thursday evening, the Now, however, that the friends of moderate measures and of peace Standard thus announced his Lordship's resolution— " It is with regret we state, that, contrary to the advice of his friends, Lord they have begun to exert themselves. A petition, signed by one Henley has resigned. The chances of success did not appear to him sffi but they,seemed ample to all others." presented to the Chamber of Deputies. The petitioners, in very Our worthy contemporary adds— strong terms, reprobate a perseverance in that policy whizli was " We regret that he has taken this step at this moment ; but it is not too adopted formerly at their own suggestion, and for their extlusive late. An gentleman of sound principles, and Parliamentary rank, is certain of benefit. They pray the Chamber "to adopt the principles of free driving Air. Hume out of the county. We speak without any doubt, after trade frankly and above board." They are "prepared to make having made the most 'minute inquiries. The expense note would be trifling." the personal sacrifices inseparable from its adoption." They con- This is pleasant, and shows on what terms these Conservative elude their petition by "praying the Deputies to Support, by their gentry .do business in their intercourse with the People, in whom votes, every measure which may tend to remove the slzackles icheh they pretend to take so strong an interest. Lord IIENLEy's was fetter the commercial intercourse of France and England, and to , a peculiar case. He had been an Anti-Dissenter, and had turned; substitute for the present system of prohibition a well-devised he had been somewhat careless—we use a soft Word—in religious scheme of duties." This language is sufficiently plain, and as matters, and had been converted. The indications of his con ver- gratifying as it is intelligible. It is a matter of no small importance, sion were decided. He attended all the meetings at Exeter Hall. that the Finance Minister, M. HUMANN, is an advocate for the Among the simple-minded people that meet therenot the plat- adoption of that policy which is so strongly recommended by the form gentlemen, but those, we mean, who occupy the centre of the Lyonese manufacturers. building,--such a proof of sincerity, especially from one who had " The course which events are taking in France and the United not always exhibited it, was worth: a, whole life of regular and States speaks for itself; and we have no intention to fatigue our humble observance of the ordinary forms .. of religion. Lord readers with superfluous comments upon it. But we must just HENLEY had been, in the commencement of his canvass, an Anti remind the Restrictionists of the line of argument which they have Abolitionist in a way—he was converted on that point also. In been in the habit of taking during the discussion of Mr. HuSiuSSON s short, the noble candidate had a knack of being converted on any measures; because, we apprehend that they will pursue it no point, where conversion and success went together. For these longer,' and because it has led many partially-informed persons to several pious changes, for the sincerity of which he claimed and wren°. conclusions. When political economist's have contended Was allowed entire credit, Lord HENLEY was supported; his for the adoption of free trade principles, and beaten their opponents politics alone would not have got him a hundred votes. Had he completely out of the field of argument, these latter gentlemen been a "Destructive," like Mr. HUME,.he would have been far have turned short upon them with such remarks as these—" All mere acceptable than he was; his Conservative polities have been this is very fine in theory ; but look. to America and France. The the sole cause of his defeat. Yet the magnanimous Tories talk as statesmen -who govern these countries are practical men, and they if-they could now hand over the whole of the respectable electors are continually increasing, not diminishing their inverts on foreign of Middlesex, who came forward to support Lord HENLEY, to any products. Their shippers and manufacturers flourish, while Ours dunderpated fellow whose professed opinions on the Dutch war are ruined."—Half of these assertions were true. The Americans happen to .coincide with their own; and this With the same ease and French did pursue the restrictive system. But did it turn out that the Duke of NEWCASTLE handed over the electors of Newark to be productive of prosperity, or of ruin to their manufacturers and , te., Mr. GnAnsTosm! Nay, the terms of the bargain are even merchants? • The answer is, that, having fairly tried, • they are 'more simple: than those proposed by the Puke. He required a about to abandon it. What Will, our RestriCtionists say now sort of quid pro quo the Club are willing to give. up their interest l•■III•.■.......PIW.K... for nothing, or next to it. i, The , votes they have purchased may