A Morning Paper enlightened its readers nis week, with an
account of the number of Argand lamps with which Mr. JEFEERYS ALLEN, the candidate for .East Surry, lighted up the Picture Gallery of Dul- wich College, of which he is the Master, on the occasion of a grand ball given by him to the gentry in the neighbourhood. Had it told how many votes Mr. ALLEN gained by this election treat, the information would have been curious. How much the tone of the CUYPS and Poossites in the Picture Gallery will be improved by the smoke of a few hundred lamps, and the dust raised by the quadrillers ! We shall next expect to hear that old SEGUIER, the picture-jobbing oracle of the Committee of Taste and Keeper of the National Gallery, has had a conversazione at the house of the late Mr. ANGERSTEIN in Pall Mall ; or of Mr. VIGORS giving a fête champetre in the Zoological Gardens, in order to propitiate a few influential persons in favour of any private object. .