15 DECEMBER 1832, Page 14

More of H. B. !---We 'tracked H. B. to the

War- Office. We might have gone further into the Army. He is certainly a military man. His costumes have all the neatness and smartness of the undress of -an officer. The only two elections which he has noticed graphi- cally, are one where a Colonel was the candidate, and the other where the Secretary at 1Var was returned. Among military men as we have • before-remarked, are to be found the best draughtsmen. A. correspon- dent confirms our supposition, by naming the individual whom he, for certain private reasons, thinks to be H. B. It is a Lieutenant-Colonel HENRY B—_-E, the brother of a celebrated living poetess; he has served in the Peninsula, and was the prottigi of Lord Londonderm, with whom he was at the Congress of Vienna. Here is the secret of H. B. 'a interest in foreign politics ; his knowledge-of TALLEYRAND'S face, and Ins flattering portraits of Lord LONDONDERRY. We think this evidence must be considered quite .conclusive. But, as we would not lose H. 'B. 's - -tketehesi we do not further, disturb his incognito by giving his name at