Mr. Catutot.n, the last remaining of the greatest and most
glorious band of patriots that 'aver appeared in history—men who established liberty in the New World by their acts, and restored it in the Old by their example—the 'signers of the great charter of American freedom, the 'Declaration of .Independence—has at length followed his illustrious brethren. Mr. CARROLL departed at the ripe age of ninety-six. The death of this most venerable man is thus announced by the President— "The last surVivor of the signers of the Declaration of Independence—he who .-formany years has been the precious relic of the band of July 4th 1776—is no more! The death of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, is announced to us.
" As a mark of the -respect due to the occasion, the officesof the United States Government in this city will be closed tomorrow, the 16th instant. "Washington, November 15." "ANDREW JACKSON."
It is worthy of note, that nearly all the signers of this famous act lived to a very advanced age. But they were not politicians byprofes- sion ; they did not engage in the great struggle with England in order to gratify any private feelings. They were plain simple-Minded men, as much above personal vanity and ambition as they were above deceit. It is' the selfish passions that wear men away' before their time. It is commonly said of the eminently good, that they are short-lived, and that the world is unworthy of them. The dreamy, speculatively good, are sometimes short-lived; but active and principled honestly is won- derfully conducive to sound health. Dyspepsia has no enemy so great as the mess conscia tech. It is worth a thousand Abernethies.