THE author was led to this inquiry by the loss of two relatives., The dedication is addressed to the objects whose deaths had driven the writer to the conkdation of endeavouring, through the me- • dium of revelation, to ascertain the truth on this most interesting and universal question. The dedication runs as follows—" To
two departed Spirits, whose leaving this world ° rise to the . following inquiry regarding the state of the dead and the future condition of the human race, this work is in affectionate remem- brance by the author." The question of whether the soul in, • stantly after decease passes into another and a higher state of ex- istence, or whether it remains in a state of suspension until the - general summons of the Last Day is issued for the resurrection, of all mankind, is argued with much acuteness and industry. The work will afford in perusal, to all sorrowing relatives, the consolation and. diversion of mind of the most congenial- kind.. • It neither leads the thoughts to dwell painfully on one idea— that of loss—nor does it altogether withdraw the mind from its contemplation, an effort still more- painful. The study of a work like this on the contrary, while it gradually weans grief from its ' melancholy occupation, supplies it with the sweetest and most cheerful of all balm—the happy certainty of reunion, not after the lapse of vast ages of time, but of the instant term of mortal existence.-