The Moniteur of Wednesday contained the official programme for the
reorganization of the French Army. We have explained the proposal which makes the French Army conterminous with the French nation elsewhere, and need only add here that every inde- pendent journal in Paris has pronounced against it, that it is condemned by the whole middle class, and that many believe it will finally alienate the peasantry from Napoleon. Whether the Legislative Body will dare to give expression to this discontent by rejecting a scheme known to be very dear to the Emperor is uncer- tain, but with this social revolution to defend, the Mexican fiasco to extenuate, the unity of Germany to explain away, and a heavy loan to raise, the position of the Government when the Chambers meet will not be a pleasant one. To add to the Emperor's embar- rassments, his wife appears to be really going to Rome, against the advice of all his Ministers, and it is said, against his own wish.