Scribe A Child's Impressions Of A Foreign Tour. The Idea
has also been happily carried out, and. the result is a pleasant variety of local legend and history, mingled with the incidents of travel and the adventures of a party. The......
Julius Ccesar ; Did He Cross The Channel? By Rev.
Scott F. Surtees. (J. L. Smith.)—Mr. Suttees must be in the pay of the Great Eastern Railway Company. He wants to persuade people that the shortest way to France is by the......
Nooks And Corners Of English Life, Past And Present. By
John Timbs. With Illustrations. (Griffith and Farram)—Mr. Timbs is a great bene- factor to desultory readers. He gets out of big books just the scraps of information they like,......
The World Before The Deluge. By Louis Figuier. A New
Edition. The geological portion carefully revised, and much original matter added. By H. W. Bristow, F.R.S. (Chapman and Hall.)—This new edition of a work upon which so much......
The Prophet Jonah : His Character And Mission To Nineveh.
By Rev. Hugh Martin, M.A., Senior Minister of the Greyfriars, Edinburgh. (Strahan.)—We have hera 460 pages of old-world divinity, without a single new idea or fresh......
Work To Which Every Novel-reader Will Wish Success....
old monthly serial as too slow for the pace of the age, he is issuing this story in weekly parts at half the old established price. He gives twenty-four pages and an......
Post-office London Directory. 1867. Sixty-eighth Annual...
have not yet Iv ad this valuable work of 2,866 pages, a feat which, as far as we can make out, from timing a page, it would take any one desirous of going through so useless a......