work to which every novel-reader will wish success. Discarding the
old monthly serial as too slow for the pace of the age, he is issuing this story in weekly parts at half the old established price. He gives twenty-four pages and an illustration for sixpence, and trusts to addi- tional demand to make up the difference. He is very likely to get it. 'The shilling serial never was very cheap, and the intervals between the numbers were painfully long. Unless the chapter was very interesting readers forgot it before the next instalment arrived, and nobody ever knew without thinking on what day he might expect it. Englishmen do not habitually divide their time by months, but by days, weeks, and quarters, and the monthly serial fitted none of them. Now the story will come like the weekly paper, on a fixed day of the week, and will be expected like it. It is as cheap and as readable, and the only risk we see is a slight additional danger of missing chapters. A month's absence will throw the reader so far behind that he will despair of pick- ing up the lost distance, and cease purchasing to wait for Mndie. Mr.
'Trollope very wisely begins his experiment on his old ground, Barset- shire, and among our old friends the Prondies and Grantleys and Crawleys, people of whom those who have studied them no more get weary than they do of news about their own kinsfolk, or criticisms on their neighbours.