The Prophet Jonah : his Character and Mission to Nineveh.
By Rev. Hugh Martin, M.A., Senior Minister of the Greyfriars, Edinburgh.
(Strahan.)—We have hera 460 pages of old-world divinity, without a single new idea or fresh illustration. Mr. M artin simply repeats the lesson that has been so often extracted from this curious narrative, and seta his face like a flint against all modern conceptions of the nature of the sacrifice of Christ. He will have nothing but the angry Father getting satisfaction out of the sufferings of the Son, and finds after the usual fashion this theological scheme prefigured in the history of Jonah. Why he should have given this volume to the world it is beyond us to conceive. Those who agree with him must know all this by heart, and there is certainly nothing in his arguments to convince those who have hitherto refused assent.