This day week, the requisition signed by fourteen Fellows of
University College, London, and six other proprietors, was pre- sented to the Council of the College, asking for the summons of a special Court of Proprietors, to consider the course taken by the Council in declining to appoint the beat qualified candidate, on special grounds, to the Chair. The Council raised a technical legal difficulty about the requisition which, if it exists, they could have got over by summoning the meeting on their own account, referred it to the Law officers of the Crown, declined, by the cast- ing vote of the chairman, to wait for the opinion, and in the meantime decided the appointment in question. They appointed. Mr.- J. Croon Robertson, a youth of real promise, and an adherent of the ganglionic school of Professor Bain, for whom it is said he has acted in the capacity of sub-professor, to the Chair. The candidate held best qualified by the Senate but for his external reputation as a religious teacher, is one of the greatest of living metaphysicians, who was teaching and writing what Mr. J. S. Mill has quod with strong praise in his Logic, before Mr. Robertson had originated even one of those spontaneous movements in the . efferent nerves, to which his master traces ultimately the sense of personality.