Mr. Doultou met his constituents at Lambeth on Thursday, and
tried to make a speechexplaining hia vote on the Reform Bill. Hisaudienee, however, were determined to prove that they ought to have votes, .and accordingly roared at him for three-quarters of an hour, compellinghim to speak to the reporters, and then, having driven him off the platform, held a meeting of their own. According to one account they were roughs, according to anot her workmen, -bat whichever they were theybehaved disgracefully. f Mr. Dottlton had committed all txmceivable crimes, instead of merely voting against a 61, suffrage, he would have a -right to be heard, and thane who refuse its show that they lack the first qualification for electors, the power of listening to unpopular statements. We trust
Mr. Hughes will read his electors a lecture on the value of self- restraint in politics, which will induce them-to-abstain from justi- fying the opponents of Reform.