No further news of the Fenian movement have been received
this week. The Government continues its arrests, and it was sup- posed had seizeda Fenian war -vessel, the 13o1ivar, dant ahellsrned out to belong to some South American Republic. More -oases of arms and quantities of powder-have beett:seized,:and-kega of a substance called "liquid fire,".er -9-41reek-fire," chiefly-composed
of phosphorus, and intended, it is supposed, to some ,great town. The gentry in-several conntiesare holding- meetings, profess- ing their loyalty, and offering the aid of bodies of special consta- bles; but as the object of Government is to prevent a civil war, not to stir up one, these offers are not Tery -warmly received. The non-Fenian Roman Catholics declare-they will -resist any pressure from the Orangemen, and the -Government wiely prefers to employ an agency which it can control. -Stephens is .tanpposed be still in France, awaiting the opportunity Oa descent.