In a Jesuit Net. By H. C. Coape. (Religious Tract Society.)— Mr. Coape writes interesting stories, and his style is graphic and picturesque. No one who reads his book will fail to be interested in the perils and adventures of the two fair sisters of the Chateau de Soissy. Still, we cannot help feeling rather dissatisfied with his work. Mr. Coape is a little too bitter. The tale of Protestant persecution cannot, it is true, be well forgotten. It has been written in indelible letters. But in a story the scene of which is laid in these troubled times, it is a mistake to show too much animus. Mr. Coape, we think, is guilty of this fault. We would not for a moment have these tales of heroism and martyrdom avoided. What we would have is more moderation shown in dealing with the other side. Besides, can a Protestant afford so well to recall these stories of the past ? Were there no persecutions of the Roman Catholics ?