News Of The Week.
T HE Standard of Friday published an important piece of intelligence, which will be differently regarded by different minds. Osman Digna has forwarded to the Governor , of......
The Russian Journalists—and Therefore, It Is Supposed,...
Office 7 —are seriously angry because the Shah has signed a treaty with England opening the Karun, a river in South Persia, with a navigable course of a hundred and fifty miles,......
On Wednesday, The President Of The Royal Commission...
Parnellism and Crime bewailed in touching lan- guage the fate which had befallen himself and his colleagues. After having sat four days a week ever since October 22nd, they had......
Mr. Bright's Condition Has Not, On The Whole, Changed For
the worse. A very bad shivering fit which he had on Sunday gave rise to the most serious alarm ; but since he had it, the condition of his lungs has improved, and his sleep has......
The Panama Scare In Paris Is Not Over Yet. The
lottery loan was reopened on Monday, and the most desperate efforts were made to ensure success, M. de Lesseps even weeping for joy before his subscribers, because four hundred......
M. De Freycinet On Tuesday Swept His Gigantic Military...
through the Chamber, including its extra military credit of £21,000,000 for the fortifications and the replacing of the old rifles with the Lebel rifle, practically without......