—0— THE reports of negotiations between China and Japan have died away ; and all recent intelligence points to a determination on the part of the Japanese to continue the war, at least until they have taken Pekin. It is stated that Marshal Oyama is marching northward from Port Arthur, and has captured Kinchow and Fuchow, two small places, on his road to Nanchang. Moreover, two Japanese corps d'artnee, each twenty-five thousand strong, have landed, one at Shan-hai- kwan, the watering-place on the Gulf of Pechili, and the other at a point near the Take forte, probably Tongku. We do not believe the figures, but the statement is not improbable; and if true, it means that the Japanese hold the rail- way between Shan-hai-k wan and Tientsin, and are there- fore in effective strength within eighty miles of Pekin. As soon as they have taken, they will have at least seventy thousand men available for the march on the capital, which they will probably find deserted by the Court, which can either retreat by land to the west, or by sea to the Yangtseariang and Nankin. It is to be observed that this news wants confirmation, and it is believed in Shanghai to be false, the true object of attack being Wei-hai-wei, where, it is added, the Chinese soldiers will not fight; but it is clear the ultimate objective is Pekin. It may be noted that the winter, of which at first we heard so much, has not as yet checked the Japanese.