Prayers For The Dead.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPEOTATOR."3 Sin,—Yonr article with this heading will, I fear, trouble many minds. Surely we have authority for regarding the situation of those who have......
[to The Editor Of The " Speotat3r.1
SIR,—So far, the "Rural Revolution" shows no signs of a "Terror." I have before me the returns collected by the: Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard. They concern the whole of......
Mr. William Watson.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIE, —. Some readers of Mr. William Watson's exquisite lines on the skylark may like to be reminded of others of Dante, of which Landor......
Pro The Editor 01 Ter "speotatorp]
Sru,—In your article, "The Parochial Elections," in the 'Spectator of December 8th, you say, "The principle which underlies the Local Government Act, is that the inhabitants of......