George and vultures U npleasant work at the City's cross- roads,
where Guardian Royal Ex- change Assurance is trying to tack itself two extra storeys on top of the Royal Exchange. GRE does not own the Ex- change, though you might think it did — it is a leaseholder there, like the busy little shops on the ground floor. One of the shopkeepers has had a letter from GRE's lawyers, telling him what GRE means to do high above him. What the letter did not say is what GRE means to do with him. He only found that out when another shop- keeper showed him the plans. His shop is marked on them as 'Entrance to res- taurant'. Insurance companies are sup- posed to deal in the utmost good faith — uberrima fides — and GRE ought to con- sider whether its actions pass that test. It appears that some four or five of the Royal Exchange shops would be pushed out by this cuckoo in their common nest. The shops have every bit as much right to be there as the insurance company, need to be there rather more than the company, and are much more liked and used by the man in the City street (Threadneedle Street, to be precise). Meanwhile from across Corn- hill comes disturbing news of the George and Vulture. This fine City pub goes back to the 13th century, and was rebuilt after the Great Fire (the cellars are mediaeval). Sam Weller drank there, and so did Mr Pickwick, and so did Dickens himself. Today Japanese bankers can be seen there, absorbing the steak, kidney, mushroom and oyster pie as part of their advanced course in Western culture. (The waiters have been know to offer you a free lunch if you can find the oyster.) Over this bustling scene looms the shadow of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The bank wants to develop the area, which came to it with Glyn Mills. The George and Vulture itself is a listed build- ing, but listed buildings have not always been proof against developers. The Bank has given the tenant notice to quit. The tenant is resisting, and will take the case to court. The City, whose arms are St George's cross, needs a George to come to its rescue. Vultures it has already.