15 DECEMBER 1984, page 23

M'bow On Censorship

Sir: As a comment on Dileep Padgaonkar's letter ('New Unesco order', 24 November) let me quote (after L. Unger of Kultura), the response of the head of the organisa- tion which......

Vulgarity Rules Ok

Sir: If the GLC is considering placing 'homosexual' blue discs on the house walls of their late occupants (Colin Welch, Cen- trepiece, 1 December) why not go the whole hog? With......

Stockton And The Kaiser

Sir: I refer to Lord Stockton's tear-jerker, that the miners are 'the men who took on the armies of Hitler and the Kaiser'. Taken in a literal sense, probably the only person......

Displaced People

Sir: May I correct Ferdinand Mount (Books, 8 December) on the subject of alienation and displaced people? 'Happier to think of everyone around them as being displaced too, if......


Human victims Sir: Seldom have I read such an unin- formed article as Roy Kerridge's 'Moonies are human' (10 November). Not just unin- formed but dangerous. He gives the im-......


Sir: My wife and I endorse Mr Almond's words (Letters, 8 December). We buy the Spectator because it is, or was, the weekly voice of the Right. We do not want anti-Thatcher,......

Prize Diarist

Sir: Alan Watkins may not care (Diary, 8 December) for best and worst competi- tions for authors of hardback books. But he must surely be the winner of this year's prize......

Apricot Jam

Sir: The basic reason for Bulgarian apricot jam being superior to ours (Alan Watkins, Diary, 1 December) is that we do not grow apricots. The truth is that Australian IXL......