15 DECEMBER 1984, Page 23


Human victims

Sir: Seldom have I read such an unin- formed article as Roy Kerridge's 'Moonies are human' (10 November). Not just unin- formed but dangerous. He gives the im- pression that joining such organisations does no harm to the individuals concerned.. I know of many ex-members who have suffered greatly as a consequence of in- volvement.

As for his information about deprogram- mers and deprogramming, this seems to come from the cults themselves. Most families use coercive deprogramming as a last resort, believing it to be the only way to rescue their son or daughter from the real damage being inflicted by the cult. To my knowledge deprogrammers insist that a parent is always present. I have not heard of any who are militant atheists. As for shouting and inducing cultists to drink, smoke, swear and indulge in sex, this sounds like pure fabrication put out by the cults. Has Roy Kerridge not heard of the Moonies' doctrine of 'Heavenly Decep- tion'?

Deprogramming is not 'brainwashing' in reverse, it is the opposite of brainwashing or 'mind control' as practised by the cults. During the indoctrination process the re- cruit is subjected to intense mind control techniques. But during deprogramming the cultist is helped to regain that most pre- cious gift, freedom of thought, lost by many during their slave-like existence in a cult. We were lucky enough to rescue our own daughter from the Moonies. We would not have succeeded without the help of ex- members.

Yes, Moonies are human. But sadly they are victims being exploited by Moon and his plans for world domination.

Anne Swatland Groome Farm, Egerton, Ashford, Kent