The arrival of M. Frederic Lemaitre—who is not so seriously
injured by the upsetting of his carriage on the way as to prevent his appearing on Monday—will render the French Plays more attractive than usual to the English public. He is the prince of melodramatic actors; and his perform- ances are entertaining and stimulating.
Mademoiselle Nathalie and M. Lafont made their adieus this week; having strengthened by their farewell performances the favourable im- pression they had previously produced. M. Lafont's personation of a Creole gallant, Le Chevalier de St. Georges, raised him greily in the esti- mation of the audience. His acting, and that of Mademoiselle Nathalie, in this piece, created a stronger sensation than has been felt since Bonffd, played here. This character is well suited to Lafont's powers: it is the masterpiece of a consummate artist.