The Arrival Of M. Frederic Lemaitre—who Is Not So Seriously
injured by the upsetting of his carriage on the way as to prevent his appearing on Monday—will render the French Plays more attractive than usual to the English public. He is......
Annals Of A Duel.
Hitherto Mr. Fenimore Cooper's exploit of filling three volumes with the passage of an American liner from Cowes to New York has been unrivalled. But the annalist of a late......
The Theatres.
THE novelty of the week is the &Mt of Miss Cushman, an American ' actress of celebrity, at the Princess's Theatre. She appeared as Bianca, the heroine of Mr. Millman's......
East India Shipping.
ARRIVED—At Portsmouth, 11th Feb., Earl of Durham, •Longridge, from Calcutta. Off Ditto, 13th. Earl Durham, Dickson, from Madras. Off the Wight, 12th, Robert Matthews, Phillips,......
Money Market.
&roes EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTEIINOON. Business in the English Funds has been quite unimportant, and the fluctua- tions are scarcely worthy of notice. Almost every day has witnessed......