15 FEBRUARY 1845, Page 20


On the 15th December, at Aden, in Arabia, the wife of Charles Barclay, Esq., Madras Medical Service, of a daughter. •

On the 31st January, at Easter Anstruther, Fife, Mrs. Spence, the wife of a journey- man tanner, of four children, two boys and two girls, who are all living.

On the 5th February, at Gallen Priory, Lady Armstrong, of a son.

On the 7th, at Stradsett Hall, the Lady of William Bagge, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. NI the 8tb, in Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, the Lady of Captain George d. Johnson, Coldstream Guards, of a eon.

On the 10th, in Curzon Street, May Fair, Viscountess Jocelyn, of a daughter. On the 10th, at East Ham, Mrs. Joseph Fry, of a daughter. On the 11th, in Camden Street, Camden Town, the wife of Professor De Mqrgan of a daughter.

On the 13th, In Upper Grosvenor Street, the Lady of James Weir Hogg, Esq., M.P., or a son.

On the 13th, in Eaton Place, the Lady of Sir John Rae Reid, Bart., M.P., of a son.

Lately, in Hertford Street, May-fair, the Hon. Mrs. Scott, of a daughter.


On the 7th December, at Agra, Hervey Harris Greathed, Esq., Political Agent at Jodhpore, second son of the late Edward Greathed, Esq., of Uddings House, Dorset, to Eliza Frances, daughter of T. J. Turner, Esq., Senior Member of the Board of Revenue at Agra.

On the 4th February, at St. Mary's, Paddington, William Henry, fifth son of Robert Sutton, Esq., of Roasway, Great Berlhampstead, Herbs, to Caroline, daughter of the late Sir William Dick, Bart., Pulteney Street, Bath.

On the 4th, at Cionegam Church, county of Limerick, George Augustus Frederick Quentin, Esti., Captain in the Tenth Hussars, and eldest son of Sir George Quentin, Equerry to the Crown, to Ann, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Thomas Medlycott, of Rocketts Castle.

On the 10th, at Derry HIM Church, the Hon. James K. Howard, youngest son of

the Earl of Suffolk, to Lady Louisa Fitzmaurice, only daughter of the Marquis of Lansdowne.

On the llth, at St. Paul's Church, Edinburgh, Sir William Cornwallis Harris, Major of the Honourable the East India Company's Bombay Engineers, to Margaret, only daughter of George Sligo, Esq., of Seacliff, Haddington.

Lately, at the Cathedral, Limerick, William Henry, son of the late William Beamish, Esq., of Mount Prospect, Bandon, to Louisa, daughter of the late Rev. James ilingstott, LL.D., Vicar-General of the diocese of Cloyne.


On the 10th December, at Bombay, Maria, the wife of Metcalfe Larken, Esq., of the Civil Service, and fourth daughter of the Hon. James Henry Crawford, Member of Council ; in her 21st year.

On the 16th, at Havanna, Mary Ann Hartley, wife of Joseph Tucker Crawford, Esq., Her Majesty's Consul-General in Cuba.

On the 22d, at Bycullah, Bombay, Mary, the wife of Professor John Bell, of Elphin- stone College. On the 20th January, at Aberfetdy, Mrs. Rutherford ; in her ffild year. She had 123 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

On the 4th February, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the Rev. T. Myers, Vicar of. Stan- nington, Northumberland ; in his 77th year.

On the 4th, Colonel Andrew Creagh, C.B., late commanding Eighty-first Foot, and Aide-de-Camp to his Majesty William the Fourth. On the 6th, at the Rectory House, Church Eaton, Staffordshire, Harriet, wife of the Hon. and Bev. Arthur C. Talbot ; in her.30th year. - On the 8th, at Shinefleld Green, the Rev. George Hahne, NA., Incumbent of Trinity Church, Reeding, Berta ; in his 58th year.

On the 8th, at Thorpe Lee, Surrey, Lieutenant-Colonel Stapleton ; in his 89th year. On the 9th, the Rev. Arthur Annesley, M.A., upwards of 40 years Hector of Clifford Chambers, Gloucestershire ; in his 77th year.

On the 9th, at Southall, Middlesex, Captain Augustus Vere Drury, R.N. On the 9th, Benjamin Webb, Esq., of Tottenham Green • in his 96th year. On the 11th, at Bath, Colonel Shutt, of Puling Place, Essex; In his 86th year. On the 11th, at Llanover, Benjamin Hanbury Stewart Hall,' eldest and only sur- viving son of Sir Benjamin and Lady Hall, Bart., M.P., of Llanover in the county of Monmouth.