Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Burlingham and Co. Evesham, ironmongers-Cores and Jaquin, New Union Street, Moor Lane, button-manufacturers-F. and C. Harrison, Luton, drapers-Roe and Faoey, Bideford, millers-Young and Boucneau, Upper North Place, Gray's Inn Road, importers of marble-Cleaver and Co. Ripley, Derbyshire, speller-manufacturers- Buckley and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners-Gledhill and Jagger, Bradford, York- shire, delvers-Farie and Co. Liverpool, iron-merchants ; as far as regards A. Tod- Mullins and Wigley, High Holborn, leather-pipe-makers-Bowker and Metcalfe, Man- chester, copper-plate-engravers-J. and T. Radcliffe, Stockport, commission-agents- Dobson and Co. Liverpool, whip-brokers-Mather and Co. Manchester, dealers in tobacco -Kronheim and Co. Earl Street, Blackfriars, stereotype-founders ; as far as regards J. Skirving-Pacey and Co. Leicester, Ironmongers-Sullen and Spann, Wormwood Street, auctioneers-E. and T. Longton, Manchester, machine-makers-Chadwick and Andrew, Manchester, warehousemen-West and Ives, Hertford, brewers-Burnie and Dickson, London, merchants-Shuttleworth and Eastbam, Blackburn, coal-dealers- Lockwood and Co. Cron-field, Suffolk, maltsters-Palmer and Co. Swansea, commis- sion-agents-Peters Brothers, Manchester, corn-merchants-Fairweather and Matthews junior, Kirton-in.Lindsey, wine-merchants- Hagger and Payne, Fulbourn, Cambridge- shire, grocers-Wfillams and Watson, Birmingham, powder-flask-manufacturers- Peterson and Ward, Glasgow, chemical manufacturers.
Dioxin, E., Tycock, Denbighshire, grocer.
ATKINSON, ANTHONY and FRANCIS, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, colour-manufacturers, tp surrender Feb. 20, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Shield and Harwood, Queen Street, Cheapside ; Mr. Watson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, New- castie-upon-Tyne. BELLENCE13, !IMPOLITE FRANCIS, Great Pulteney Street, victualler, Feb. 19, March 26: solicitor, Mr. Robson, Clifford's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
BURRELL, JAMES, and HALL, THOMAS, Thetford, ironfounders, Feb. 25, March 25: solicitor, Mr. Johnston, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinglaall Street.
Cris:mason, Jona; White Street, Southwark, grocer, Feb. 21, March 28 : solicitors, Buchanan and Grainger, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
CorraciL, WILLIAM, Southampton, tea-dealer, Feb. 25, March 25 : solicitors, Mr. Bralkenridge, Bartlett's Buildings ; Mr. Newman, Southampton ; official assignee, Mr- Johnson, Basinghall Street.
GRAY, HENRY PEACOCK, Caroline Street, Eaton Square, horse-dealer, Feb. 18, March 25 : solicitor, Mr. Dupree, Lawrence Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry PAUL, WILLIAM CHEATLE, Romford, sheep-salesman, Feb. 28, March 25: solicitors, Messrs. Hilleary, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abel:nu:eh Lane. PETERS, JOHN, Godslone, innkeeper, Feb. 18, April 8 : solicitors, Messrs. Blake and Tamplin, King's Road, Bedford Row ; Mr. Dempster, Brighton ; official assignee, Mr - Green, Aldermanbury. STEADMAN, RICHARD, and ADM, WILLIAM, Birmingham, button-makers, Feb. 21, March 18: solicitors, Messrs. Hanison and Smith, Birmingham; official assignee, Mr; Christie, Birmingham. TYLER, SPENCER WILLIAM, Walcot Place, carpenter, Feb. 18, March 25: solicitors, Buchanan and Co. Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
March 1, Marshall, Plymouth, draper-March 4, Brookes, New Street Square, lamp- manufacturer-March 4, Robertson, Great St. Helen's, insurance-broker-March 4, Watson and Byers, Skinner Street, woollen-warehousemen-March 7, Cator, Leeds, wool-merchant-March 11, Green, Leeds, bookseller-March 5, Richardson, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, glass-manufacturer-March 1, Dayton, Wigton, ship-owner-March
Carter and Cornforth, Liverpool, merchants—March 5, Tomkinson, KIdderminater, linendraper.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. March 6, Goodeve, Aldermanbury, warehouseman—March 4, Hubbard, Ramsgate, auctioneer—March 4. Fielding, Theme, ironmonger—March 4, Mearns, Acre Lane, Clapham, brewer—March 5, Parry, Cleaver Street, Kennington Road, broker—March
4, Coles, New Bond Street, jeweller—March 7, Dotesio, Slough, hotel-keeper—March 5, King, Bath, druggist—March 5, Richardson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, glass-manufac- turer—March 7, Proctor, Kingaton-upon-Hull, coach-proprietor—March 5, Deffiune, Manchester, check-manufacturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before March 4.
Hayward, Manchester, cotton-spinner—Wates, Old Kent Road, victualler—Webb, Bath, wine-merchant—Glover junior, Leicester, ironmonger—Hannay, Cavendish Square, banker—Uttlng, Newman Street, upholsterer—Ross, Savage Gardens, merchant —Stbiton, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, cook—Rayner, Blackburn, grocer—Black- burn, Salford, builder—Raper, Bridge Road, Lambeth, tailor.
Laycock, Collie, Lancashire, tallow-chandler; final dlv. of Is. on Feb. 18, or any sub- sequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester—Grantham, Manchester, grocer ; first div. of 3e. 8d. on Feb. 18, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester—Petrie, Bedlington. Durham, miller ; first and second div. amounting to Is. 2d. on any Saturday after Feb. 12 ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—Crespin, Eastcheap, shipping-agent ; third div. of Gd. on Feb. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street—Mann, Rumford, Essex, banker (separate estate) ; first and final dlv. of 20s. on Feb. 12, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street.
BANSLET, D., Dunfermline, perfumer, Feb. 14, March 17. HAmumoit, J. and A., Glasgow, agents, Feb. 18, March 17. OLDHAM, T. and E., Aberdeen, contractors, Feb. 17, March 13.
Friday, Feb. 14.
Ring and Son, Bristol, attornies—MllIsand Dixon, Charles Street, Westminster, dyers —Parkin and Binna, Birstal, Yorkshire, card-setting-machine-makers—Webster and Child, Wakefield, bricklayers—Stray and Reed, Kingston-upon-Hull, tallors—Pinder and Taylor, Timberland, Lincolnshire, grocers—Pratt and Street, Birmingham, brass- founders—Moore and Fisher, Pall Mall, hatters—J. V. and E. Rossetti, London, mer- chants—Thomas and Gould, Taunton, tea-dealers—Oakes and Co. Bethnal Green Road, soap-manufacturers—G. andA. England, Westbury, Wiltshire, clothiers—Bwlnett and Taverner, Chudleigh, Devonshire, coal-merchants—Crabtree and Shuts, Halifax, ma- chine-makers—Nicholl and Porter, Halifax, woolstaplers—Batehelor and Co. Coal Yard, Drury Lane, coach-lace-manufacturers—Burland and Edwards, Liverpool, ca- binet-makers—Smart and Follett, Furnival's Inn—Furnival and Wear, Tunstall, Staffordshire, earthenware.manufacturers—Balley and Edward, Winchester, attornies- Waterton and Wilkinson, Leeds, wheelwrights—Tonks and Hulse, Birmingham, metal! lc- bed:Peed-manufacturer—Gregory and Hayward, Hackney, chemists—Crosby and Son, Scarborough, joiners—H. J. and G. A. Taverner, Romford, innkeepers—Wilson and Co. Long Lane, Southwark, hat-manufacturers.
CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Newcastle Street, Strand, innkeeper, to surren- der Feb. 21, March 28: solicitors, Messrs. Paynter and Co. Gray's ; official assig- nee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street.
FLINT, ALGERNON LINDSEY, Aldermanbury, warehouseman, Feb. 25,March 28: so- licitor, Mr. Cox, Pinners Hull ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. HERBERT, ROBERT Msvow, Reading. tea-dealer, Feb. 19, March 28 : solicitors, Messrs. Hill and. Matthews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
Hut., Iticnasn, Exeter, currier, Feb. 25, March 25 : solicitors, Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; and Mr. Terrell, Gray's Inn Square ; official assignee, Mr. Heruainan, Exeter. Mosnim., WILLIAM junior, Liverpool, bookseller, Feb. 25, March 25: solicitors, Messrs. Cornthwaite and Co. Old Jewry; and Messrs. Fisher and Stone, Liverpool ; ofilelal assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
Macwusism, JAMES, Gloucester, hosier, Feb. 26, April 3: solicitors, Messrs. Richards and Co. Tewkesbury ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. OLDHAM, JOHN, Kingston-upon-Hull, lronfounder, Feb. 26, March 28: solicitors, Messrs. Willis and Co. Tokenhouse Yard ; Messrs. Colbeck and Co.,Hull ; Messrs. Hors- &Rand Harrison, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds. AwaSICS, FRANCIS Jam, Cheltenham, cabinet maker, Feb.-28, March 28:: solicitors, Messrs. Newbon and Huns, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. SANDERSON, JOHN, Liverpool, merchant, Feb. 25, March 25: solicitors, Messrs. Birch and Bramah, Great Winchester Street ; Messrs. Stockley and Thompson, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool. TURNER, JosEPH, and IVERKS, SAMUEL, Southampton, stone-masons, Feb. 19, March 28: solicitor, Mr. Paterson, Bonverie Street ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. WATSON, SAMUEL, Highbridge, Somersetshire, stone-mason, Feb. 26, April 2: soli- tor, Mr. Gray, Bath ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
WRITE, Joon, Great St. Andrew Street, leather-seller, Feb. 26, March 25 : solicitor, Mr. Hall Rupert Street ; °Metal assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Wiens, Jscon, Bristol, grocer, Feb. 27, April 3: solicitor, M. Gray, Bath ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
March 7, Oliver and York, Stony Stratford, bankers—March 7, Balne, Poole, grocer —March 8, Law, Great Portland Street, upholsterer—March 7, Cox, Norwich, cabinet- maker—March 8, Thomas, Mark Lane, corn-merchant—March 8, Sharp and Clarke, Renters Street, upholsterers—Feb. 26, Terry, Shoe Lane, quill-merchant—March 7, Watson, Crawford Street, llnendraper—March 6, Vardy, Portsmouth, draper—March 7, Garnett, Tooley Street, hatter—March 6, B. B. and B. G. Owen, PallMall, tailors-- March 7; L. D., H., and G. F. Smith, Dulverton, Somersetshire, crape-manufacturers- March 7, Walker, Snalth, miller—March 12, Beat, Kidderminster, maltster—March 4, Williams, Bristol, builder—March 13, King, Bally druggist—March 7, Cogan, Plymouth, builder—March 7, Waller and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners—March 10, J. and W. Campion, Whitby, ship-builders.
fb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
March 7, Dine, IVImbonie Minster, Dorsetahire, builder—March 7, Attwater, Devon- shire Street, Queen Square, dyer—Starch 11, Padbury junior, Epsom, grocer—March 10, Newbold, Nottingham, tailor—March II, Bates, Birmingham, factor.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or be,fore March 7. Crosfield, Kirkham, llnendraper—Warren, Parliament Street, confeetioner—Footner, LI-mit:eon, Hampshire, cabinet-maker—Walter, Fleet Lane, Farringdon Street, hard- waremau—Johnson, North Place, Gray's Inn Lane, apothecary—Heron, South Blyth, shipowner—Ketchum, Liverpool, merchant—Homer, Westbromwich, wine-merchant- Eaton, Featherstone Street, City Road, butcher.
Jones, Canterbury, wine-merchant ; second div. of ltd. any 'Wecinesay ; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Cana:3, Mahlon, butcher ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Bashighall Street—Holland, Bunted, Sussex, grocer ; first div of 2s. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Williams, Bristol, butter-dealer ; first illy. of 3e. 6d. Feb. 17, or any subsequent Monday ; Mr. Miller, Bristol—Young- husband, Cheltenham, brickmaker ; first div. of 3d. Feb. 17, or any subsequent Mon- day; Mr. Miller, Bristol—Law, Reading, draper ; first div. of 3s. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Harraden, Cambridge, printseller; first div. of 5s. any Wednesday; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Purl, Upper Thames Street, ale-merchant ; first div. of Is. 4d. any Wednesday • Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Bradshaw and Williams, Marylebone Streit., Ptccadiily, svoollendrapers ; third div. of ltd. any Wed- nesday; Mr. Pennell, Basifighall Street—Woollam, St. Alban's, silk-throwster; first div. of Is. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Lark, Seymour Street, Easton Square, bootmaker ; second (11v. of 3Id. any Wednesday ; Mr. Pennell, Basing- hall Street—Chamberlain, Peckham, linendraper ; first div. of Is. 9d. any Wednesday ; Mx. Pennell, Basinghall Street—Yuill, Cornhill, tailor ; Ord div. of 35. 7Id. any Wed- nesday; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Thompson, Saffron Walden, ironmonger ; first div. of 7s. 31d. any,Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street—Jardine, Liver- Pool, merchant ; _wand div. of 2Id. Feb. 20, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Case- Hove, Liverpool—Lock,-Northampton, tea-dealer ; second and final div. of 2d. Feb. 15, and the three following Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abeharch Lane—Morgan senior, St. Svdthin's Lane, luudwareman • first div. of 3s. 4d. Feb. 15, and the three following Saturdays ; Mr. Groom, Abeinirch Lane—Oliver, Maidstone, upholsterer ; first div. of 5d. Feb. 15, and the three following Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.
-Gum, A., Trinity, near Newhaven, boat-proprietor, Feb. 21, March 14.