A brief telegraphic note through Trieste anticipates the overland mail
from Bombay of the 17th January. The points of interest are, that Sir Charles Napier had arrived at Bombay, and would leave it by the next steamer, on. the 3d instant ; that the Governor-General and Gholab Singh had inter- changed visits at Wuzeerabad ; and that the troops still suffered epidemic sickness at Lahore. From Hongkong, letters of the 30th December state that the Chinese rebellion was quelled.
At Bow Street Police Court, yesterday, Charles Gill was charged with writing an abusive and threatening letter to Lord John Russell. Gill is an ingenious working jeweller, who deems that he has made great discoveries "in the material laws in leverage and gravitation." A commission to test the value of his discoveries was not granted ; hence the threat to beat and shoot the Premier. In default of giving bail, he was locked up.