The Customs And Its Habits.
- WHATEVER the verdict of the Jury may be in the trial of the London Docks Company for evading the Customs, that decision will not dispose of a question which still more......
Tice Sliding Scale Of Justice.
" ItsricE," as technical retributive law is sometimes called, pro- ceeds in great part upon a sort of inverse morality. The kindly sarcasm of Socrates, when his wife was......
British Lion On Modern Heraldry.
OF all deluded creatures, the British Lion is the one most misled: Not that he is without faculties : •for all his illusions on the sub- ject of the French nation, divine right......
Philology In The House.
MEMBERS vindicate their freedom by wearing their hats, rushing rather than walking, making strange noises, and other assertions of the right to be ill-mannered ; but they are......