ITo on Eons. or THE Snarrron.") firn,—Your interesting article on '"floe Effect of Light" in the Spectator of February Sth prompts me to suggest that the cause of the public?u indifference to light is due mainly to the neglect of spiritual culture. The present age of intellectual culture and materialism (due so much to material prosperity and tine fascinations of scientific dimuovery) has surely tended to obscure the importance of spiritual culture. Unfortunately religion, which should be its mainspring, has been confounded with theology, and many theological dogmas in which thought- ful people uo longer believe. It is noticeable that the more materialistic and atheistic are the most indifferent to light and colour. Both these qualities are valued in proportion to individual culture. The superstitions savage indulgent in colour because more spiritnally than intellectually active. Is not the ideal state of mind that in which the spiritual vitality is balanced by the intellectual P "Let there be light," and the love of God and man will gain in strength. Only deception 111141